Saturday, March 1, 2014

Here are my MCAS results*

Wow, am I worn out. 

I’ve spent the last couple of hours doing tons of computer testing. Here’s what I learned.

I share a lot of commonalities with both Hitler and Gandhi because, like them, I am an INFJ.

I am both a universal learner and a universal student.

I am slightly more left-brained than right-brained.

My first name means I’m likely to vote democrat 66 percent of the time.    

If I was a drink, I’d be whiskey.

My literary soul mate is Henry David Thoreau.

In a previous life, I was a Greek philosopher.

My perfect European country is Norway. Considering that since I’ve been old enough to wield an ice chopper I’ve been allergic to snow and cold, I have to wonder about the validity of those test questions. I know plenty of folks who can attest to my love of all things Mediterranean.  Maybe I should go back and click on “yes” to the three-way?

If I was a Sesame Street character, I would be the Count. What a disappointment. I’ve always felt a kinship with Miss Piggy.  I retook the test and really truly did my best to be honest. I picked blue for my favorite color, instead of pink. It turns out now I’m an exact match with those grumpy old guys who sit in the balcony and make snarky remarks about everything.  Yeah. Sure. Okay. 

I am starting to think that maybe all this testing is a crock of hooey. The results of my fashion twin test prove my suspicions could be right on. Though I wear yoga pants to work two times a week at least, and own just one pair of old, scuffed one-inch heels, I supposedly have the same classic sense of style as Michele Obama, who always wears the perfect outfit 24/7.  

I guess I am fashion perfect too, as long as all my occasions call for yoga pants, jeans, running shorts, t-shirts, cardigans, bra tops, or today’s go to fave-rave: hand-me-down pjs covered in orange, gray, and black- white lap cats. Though now that I think about it. Yeah. That’s pretty much what most of my outings do call for.  

I’m thinking I’ll nix the crazy cat lady quiz. Why waste my time. 

*MCAS = My Crazy Ass Survey, which is in no way related to the Massachusetts Child Abuse System, Many Cocktails After School,  Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System, or any other acronym even remotely related to state testing.

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