Saturday, November 30, 2013

Faith, hope, and running secrets

Here are some super secret things about me and running.  Go ahead and judge if you want. Or not.

Though I tell people the reason I don't like to run early in the morning is because I need my body to warm up because of my middle-aged aches and pains, the truth is I'm lazy. I like to sleep in.

Sometimes, I hate running. Well, most times.

I never regret a run.

I regret the half a pecan pie I ate for breakfast yesterday. Mainly because there is none left to eat for breakfast today.

Watching cats attack dust motes is a great way to procrastinate on a cold November morning.   

I have sometimes used my running jacket sleeves as tissues. Sometimes = often.

My favorite cold weather running equipment: Target gloves.

I had two goals for November: Write 50,000 words as part of NaNoWriMo; manage a four-minute plank. The first has nothing to do with running, but the second has everything to do with it. A strong core makes a runner stronger.

I hit my plank goal five days early.

I only managed 28,000 words. But that's okay. Sometimes, life interferes. I still managed to write 100 pages of my new book. I took a shot at the moon and landed among the stars, which is what I do on long runs.

Setting writing goals is like setting running goals. 

Being a dreamer is awesome.

Being a doer AND a dreamer is even better.

Running Boston 2014 for my favorite charity: The American Liver Foundation. More to come.

Faith. Hope. Boston 2014. That's my current running mantra.

Here's my other one: To give less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. (Steve Prefontaine)  

Cat is now napping among the dust motes. Time for a run.

To donate to my Boston Marathon 2014 charity efforts on behalf of the American Liver Foundation, please visit and click on the DONATE button. I'd deeply appreciate your support. Together, we can create a world free of liver disease.